SensUs Event 2023
The final day of the SensUs Competition is going to take place on the 31st of August 2023, in the Auditorium of the Eindhoven University of Technology. It will be the ultimate showcase of biosensing innovations. Student teams from around the world have competed in designing, building and testing biosensors for the detection of traumatic brain injury. It promises to be a day full of networking, knowledge sharing and gathering new insights in the field of biosensing!

The day will be officially opened by the Chairs of the SensUs Organization, Noah Olmeijer and Siebren Barten in the Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium. After this, the teams will be pitching their biosensor project on its Creativity and its potential use in the healthcare market, Translation Potential. The teams will showcase their biosensors on the networking market and professionals, professors, the other teams and visitors will have the opportunity to ask questions! Furthermore our partners, companies that are active in the field of healthcare, are present at the market, as well as ambassadors of patient foundation The networking market is followed by another round of pitches. Meanwhile the professional jury discusses the results of the teams, an interval program is held for the public. This includes an interesting speech by start-up NEOSENS, existing out of three enthusiastic innovators that after participation in last year’s Competition have worked further on their biosensor for the detection of sepsis in newborns. Furthermore, the winners of the SensUs High Schools Competition, four high school students from the Maurick College in Vught, will be pitching their project!
The day will be finished with the Award Ceremony, in which awards for Creativity, Translation Potential, Analytical Performance, Public Inspiration and the Distributed Testing Event will be handed out to the winners of the Competition in these categories!

To secure your place at the SensUs Event 2023, please register via the following link:
Sign up for the SensUs Event 2023 here!
For the people who cannot attend the SensUs Event physically, a live-stream is broadcast and can be watched via the following link:
SensUs 2023 | Main channel - YouTube
The links to the pitches of the Teams can be found here:
The Event will be held in the Auditorium of Eindhoven University of Technology. A map of the Campus can be found below.

Pitching schedule
See the schedule below for the location of the pitches.

Voting for Public Inspiration Award
The Public Inspiration Award is won by the Team with the most votes! Find the link for voting below.
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