United Kingdom
Imperial College London
Hi! We are Minerva, the team from Imperial College London, England. We are a group of 10 second year undergraduate students who study a variety of courses; from Chemistry to Electrical Engineering; to Bio-Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. As a team we are very excited about the opportunity the SensUs competition has given us, not only to learn new skills and work with new people but also to hopefully help people in the process. We are excited for the unique experience this project offers; to experience the entire research and development process from start to finish! It will be both interesting and engaging to look at how the theory is applied in reality, and what compromises have to be made to do so. This will link in with the idea of establishing a good business model for our biosensor to make sure it is viable in the ‘real world’ along with most importantly developing the best product for the patient.
About the supervisor
We are lucky to have Professor Tony Cass as our supervisor on this project. Tony has a vast amount of knowledge in the field of analytical biotechnology such as his work on synthetic electron transfer mediators for enzyme biosensors which led to the development of the first electronic blood glucose measuring system. As well as this, Tony has taught us to use knowledge in new areas of research, such as nano materials, like in his current research of engineering proteins and nucleic acids in micro and nano structures for their development in devices used in clinical and environmental analysis.
Tony Cass
Team members
Annabel Chatwein
Poppy Tobolski
Lucy Clift
Shruti Shikhare
Arjun Ananth
Konrad Hohendorf
Mohit Gurnani Rajesh
Nicolas Geiseler Toran
Simran Sandhu
Sushanth Kolluru
