United Kingdom
Imperial College London
Eleven students from six countries, studying five different degree programmes, but with only one goal: to make a real difference.
Representing Imperial College London, we are a very diverse group of undergraduate students, brought together by a shared passion for science and a drive to tackle a real-world problem. Taking advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of the competition, our team includes chemists, chemical engineers, biomedical engineers and electrical engineers, providing us with a vast range of knowledge and experience.
Our goal is to develop a novel biosensor for adalimumab, a biological drug used to relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Being the largest selling pharmaceutical drug worldwide, the effects of a fully functional biosensor would be experienced globally. Arthritis sufferers could gain more control over their dosing and the costs for organisations such as the NHS would be immensely reduced.
We are determined to develop an effective, user-friendly and affordable device which can be offered commercially, helping to end needless suffering and high expenses. Our device will be simple and easy to use, allowing patients and doctors globally to use it without difficulty.
We look forward to presenting our work in Eindhoven!
Tony Cass
Team members
Angharad Ffion Smith
Joe Thomas White
Jonathan McKelvey Martin
Soleiman Nadib Anwary
Samuel Thomas Hopgood
Lian (Elsey) Chen
Dorottya Szalay
Rachel Shu Ting Chan
Albert Fleta
João Baptista
Leonidas Goudelis
