
Uppsala University

Team Results Document


We are team UppSense representing Uppsala University Sweden in this year’s SensUs competition. Our team consists of nine students from various academic and geographical backgrounds. UppSense is looking forward to participate in the challenge of developing a biosensor for heart failure.

What drives us is a multinational and multidisciplinary challenge for a good cause. During this competition we hope to learn a lot about biosensors. Some of us know already some things about medicine and biology, others have knowledge about programming and electrical circuits. We are looking forward to learn a lot from each other as we have such variant backgrounds (not only from a cultural or language point of view). 

Vi hoppas att vi ses!

Masood Kamali-Moghaddam

Gemma Mestres

Team members
Anna Blasi
Aida Kaffash Hoshiar
Linlin Lei
Ruth Rachita
Maximilian Stiefel
Elmar Van Rijnswou
Hanzhao Zhang