
SensUs High Schools Project

SensUs 2019 is not only a day for the student teams to showcase their work on biosensors for healthcare of the past year. There will also be 11 high school teams to present their projects. 

In Februari the SensUs High Schools Project started with a kick-off lectures for all participating high schools groups. They learned about their assignment: making a concept for a biosensor, with emphasize on the societal impact of such a biosensor. To relate this to the student teams, the high school team had also the theme "rheumatoid arthritis" and focused on anti-CCP, an antibody that is related to the presence of reuma. In the Kick-off lecture they also learned about the innovative TRIZ-model and about how to do literature research. 

Throughout the year they worked on the project themselves at school. They cover all kind of subjects, as target group, financial feasibility, and technical aspects of a biosensor. Additionally, We organised an excursion to Diagnostiek Voor U, where the practical importance of measuring markers in blood was clearly illustrated. The high school teams got lessons about how to make a scientific poster en good pitch, which are what they will show 30 Augustus at SensUs 2019.

All the groups will give a one minute pitch on the same podium the student teams also pitch. Their posters will be showcased and visitors can view their findings and hard work. We as SensUs are very proud of the work these high schools students have put into the project and what they will show everyone at the SensUs event!
