Recap of the SensUs Event 2022
A few weeks ago, the SensUs Innovation Days took place at Eindhoven University of Technology. Fourteen Student Teams from eleven countries from all over the world came to Eindhoven to compete in the SensUs Student Competition. This year they were asked to create the best possible biosensor for acute inflammation, with a focus on sepsis. With more than 900 visitors, both physical and online, it was a week full of creativity, innovation and biosensing!
On Tuesday, after most of the Teams arrived at the camping that was set up at the University, a pub quiz was held to cheer them up after their long journeys! The next day, the Testing Event took place, where the Teams tested their biosensors for measuring Interleukin-6 (the biomarker that indicates sepsis). The results were great and the day was a huge success!
On Thursday the Teams went to the High Tech Campus, where they met with the Partners that are closely related to SensUs. Here they had the opportunity to network with companies in the field of biosensing and business.
Friday the 2nd of September, the Final Event Day took place. It was kicked off enthusiastically by MC Eliene Rutten and chairs Vera Teurlinx and Hans Douben. Then the Teams presented their biosensors in two pitches: the Translation Potential pitch and the Creativity pitch, interviewed by a professional jury with diverse backgrounds. For the general public, a networking market was set up where visitors met with Teams and Partners. Afterwards, Matthijs Kox, Assistant Professor at Radboudumc, gave a fascinating keynote lecture in which he explained about sepsis and how biosensors can improve future patient care.
Then it was time for the Award Ceremony! Five different Awards were handed out. Team Lau’Sens even won two of them, namely the Analytical Performance Award and the Translation Potential Award. The winner of the Creativity Award was … DeTectUs! PULSe knew how to inspire the public: they received the most votes and won the Public Inspiration Award. New this year was the Award for the Distributed Testing Event, that had taken place a few months earlier. This Award was won by team T.E.S.T.!
We want to thank everyone for making the Innovation Days a great success! You are very much invited to be part of the next edition: SensUs 2023!
