A community for open innovation in the field of biosensors for health
About SensUs
We monitor how well we eat, how long we sleep, and how many steps we take. In an increasingly digitized world, we are becoming more active participants in our own personal health. However, in the current care system when becoming ill you are treated in a ‘one size fits all’ way, without taking into account that we are all different and that our bodies change over time. What if we could easily measure what’s inside of our bodies at any given moment? This could be made possible by the use of biosensors. The aim of SensUs is to stimulate innovation in the field of biosensors.
The SensUs Community
SensUs aims to raise awareness about the possibilities that biosensing can offer to the life of patients and to health care in general. To spread this awareness on a worldwide scale, SensUs enables everybody from all over the world to view and experience the SensUs Contest.
Our community consists out of healthcare providers, patients, students, alumni, industry, and key stakeholders. We bring this community together in many different ways; the stakeholders meet each other during the SensUs Innovation Days.

The future of healthcare
An important aim in healthcare is to keep people healthy as long as possible and to enable people in need of care to live a high-quality life in their own environments. Healthcare is developing toward a world wherein care is delivered in a highly personalized manner, attuned to the status of the patient, based on actual, precise, and reliable data. This is where biosensors play a big role.

The Teams
We focus on open innovation, where teams share their experience and technologies with each other. All the Teams consist of talents with different backgrounds from all over the world. They think differently about world problems and how they can be solved. Every Team is linked towards a research group, which each got its own expertise. By giving the Teams the freedom to choose and develop their own measuring techniques, the SensUs Competition results in a large range of new innovative technologies.

During the SensUs Competition the teams can win four awards:
The Analytical Performance award goes to the Team with the biosensor that functions best, in terms of measurement accuracy, speed, and required sample volume.
The Innovation award relates to the technological novelty of the biosensors and to the way how the Teams have worked during their development process.
The Translation Potential award is about the plans of the Teams to bring their bio-sensor from a prototype to a product that can be used in society. Will the product meet the needs of doctors and patients, and will it be suited for industrial production?
The Public Inspiration award gives recognition to the Teams that best inspire the public. The award is based on the votes from the public, who see the presentations, pitches, and demonstrations of the teams.

Success Stories
The international SensUs Competition challenges multidisciplinary teams of students to develop innovative biosensors for real-life applications. The Teams consist of students of varying ages, education, and experience. This results in a wide range of creative ideas that are implemented in their prototypes. The SensUs Competition is the start of an innovative journey. Curious about the successes of the Teams? Find more information in the article below.
Rules and Regulations
Interested in the rules and regulations of the SensUs Student Competition? Find out more by clicking on the link below.
Bringing our stakeholders together
During the SensUs Innovation Days, we have different activities our stakeholders can participate in:
- The Event, where the students present their prototype biosensor to the world;
- Meet The Partners, where students and companies are brought together through an interactive program;
- The partner network moment, where professionals in the field of biosensing are brought together;
The activities encourage a closely connected community to establish a future in sensors for health through collaboration and open innovation.
