École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Coming from the young and dynamic campus of EPFL, situated in the center of the health valley, we are hoping to uphold the tradition of innovation by developing the next-generation sensors. We are a diverse team of 14 master students with various backgrounds ranging from Micro-engineering, Electrical engineering and Life Science engineering.
Our passion for technology coupled with the knowledge that we can improve patient care is what brings us together and motivates us to compete in SensUs. We, Helvet’Sens, want to create and develop an innovative device, which we hope will answer the patient’s personal needs and improve his quality of life.
We value diversity, exchange and altruism and are looking forward to all the people we will meet during this competition. This will be an educational journey and learning all the dimensions surrounding the development of a medical device to its arrival on the market is also one of our objectives. We are very enthusiastic to begin on what will for sure be an enriching experience!
About the supervisors
Thamani Dahoun, our supervisor, is used to the SensUs competition. She knows proteins and physics better than a bodybuilder. On this long arduous road, she will be the guiding light of the team.
Philippe Renaud, our professor, is an expert in the bioMEMS field. His knowledge and experience will guide us to find solutions faster than a micro-channel can be filled with water.
Thamani Dahoun
Team member
Emma Barbier
Ahmed Ben Romdhane
Loïc Bruchez
Roxana-Madalina Buga
Alix Buu-Hoang
Aurélie Ducrot
Caroline Juliano
Kamalesh Kumar Kanakaraj
Syrine Mansour
Maxime Marchionno
Nicolas Minder
Laura Puyet
Margaux Roulet
Nina Wahler
