The Netherlands
Eindhoven University of Technology
We are student team T.E.S.T. which represents the Netherlands during the 2020 SensUs competition. Our multidisciplinary team consists of 11 students from the Eindhoven University of Technology including second- and third-year bachelor and first year master students from the following majors: Medical Sciences and Technology, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
We started this project to learn more about developing a real-life product that could help many people. In our opinion, this is a great opportunity to use the knowledge acquired during our studies in a practical way. All team members have different interests and individual goals they want to achieve in this project.
Our final dream is to develop a biosensor that is easy to use, affordable, works well and has the potential to help a lot of people. Besides this we hope to find a good way to make the device available to the commercial market. The challenge of SensUs 2020 is to develop a biosensor for the measurement of unbound Valproate. This is a biological drug that is prescribed to patients suffering from epilepsy.
Leo van IJzendoorn
Team members
Ernst Paul Swens
Maurits van der Vorm
Jesse Jägers
Melle Houben
Imke Rodenburg
Mirre Trines
Eveline Nugraha
Caitlin Pieneman
Leandra Vermeulen
Aggariyo Wanagiri
Thomas Stekelenburg
