Technical University of Denmark
Our team is a group of highly motivated and enthusiastic bachelor and master students with backgrounds in Pharmaceutical sciences, Biomedical engineering, Physics and Nanotechnology, Industrial engineering and Electrical engineering. We are a combination of international and Danish students, giving us a more diverse group mindset.
Our motivation for participating in the competition varies;
Some just like to “sit down” in the lab and do experiments, some wants to gain experience in a more realistic work setting and others just finds it exciting to work with passionate people with different backgrounds.
But common for all of us is that we want to deliver a biosensor that can help people and possibly give them a higher quality of life.
We look forward to face a challenge of developing a biosensor for detection of adalimumab, that is fast, accurate and easy-to-use. Hence, Arthritis patients keep the benefits of treatment, and we could reduce the costs for patients, companies and governments.
We believe that participation in the competition will broaden our horizons and help us to evolve professionally and personally.
Winnie E. Svendsen
Team members
Nicolai Støvring
Amalie Pernille Rasmussen
Berk Gezer
André Joao Ferreira Fontes
Bettina Hierzberger
Daniel Berkes
Shaghayegh Amirijavid
Shreya Joshi
Thomas Birk Frederiksen
Luca Giannini
Marc van der Zwan
Marina Nocera
Eva Zeqiraj
Nuria del Castillo Iniesta
